
Moonlight Blade

Here’s a beta trailer for wuxia MMO Moonlight Blade

Looking for a wuxia-themed MMORPG? Moonlight Blade might be worth following, particularly if the videos posted earlier today by Steparu are any indication. The main clip...

She-Hulk is judge, jury, and executioner in Marvel Heroes

I love superhero bios. They can just do whatever and it's all canon. Check out this one for She-Hulk, who transitions from being just a Marvel...

Infestation: Survivor Stories morphs into Romero’s Aftermath

Seriously, folks, we couldn't make this up even if we tried. The critically reviled Infestation: Survivor Stories, which used to be The War Z...

The Stream Team: Swimming with the dolphins in ArcheAge

You've read about the brouhaha over the pink porpoise in ArcheAge, but have you seen the mammal in action? MassivelyOP's MJ was the recipient...

Ghost in the Shell Online: First Connection nearing Korean CBT

The popular anime franchise Ghost in the Shell will be making the transition to an MMOFPS: It prepares to start its first Korean closed...

Camelot Unchained releases alpha video

The first look at a new game is always exciting. You get to see a game as something other than concept art and development...

Black Desert celebrates 100-day beta mark

To rub it in to everyone else in the world, it is our duty to announce that Korean beta testers have been enjoying Black...

The Stream Team: Give me exploration or give me death in The Repopulation

Last time Massively OP's MJ tried to explore in The Repopulation, she gave the cloning facility a good workout. Today she'll boldly go where...
Cabal 2

Cabal 2 character spotlight vid features the Priest and the Wizard

Cabal 2's official YouTube channel has updated with the game's first character spotlight video. Cloth-wearers are the stars of this particular show, more specifically...

The Stream Team: Trekking through Skyforge’s closed beta

Whenever there is a beta, MassivelyOP's MJ looks forward to showing you what's new in the MMOverse. Luckily, with Skyforge she doesn't have to...

Sword Coast Legends demos a multiplayer dungeon crawl

It might not be an MMO, but we can see the vestiges of MMORPG player-generated content (and more poignantly, Neverwinter Nights) in Wizards of the Coast's...
Still crazy after all these years.

Dungeons & Dragons Online previews the Temple of Elemental Evil

The team behind Dungeons & Dragons Online loves to make references back to the classic tabletop game in both dungeon design and gameplay. The...

The Daily Grind: What MMO conceits would you port into real life?

This morning's Daily Grind is a fun one straight from Kickstarter donor Wesley Hendriks. Wesley proposes we all ponder the following question: If you could choose...

The Stream Team: Gobbling up AP from The Secret World’s golden golems

Giant golden golems in The Secret World give out oodles of sweet, sweet AP and SP, and during this week's Gilded Rage event the...

Landmark plans prop palette patch

Landmark's big patch for this week -- which is tentatively scheduled for Thursday -- will be making a significant change to how players deal...

Star Conflict brings in dreadnoughts, issues arms race

Massive dreadnoughts have invaded the already war-torn Star Conflict, ushering in a second season of intense PvP. Today's patch allows corporations to build dreadnoughts...

Das Tal starts alpha sign-ups

Das Tal, the PvP sandbox brought to you by the color tan, has started accepting alpha sign-ups by the bravest of the brave. Of...

The Stream Team: Exploring the swamps of Factions: Origins of Malu with devs

Early Access of Origins of Malu has begun, which means players can now get in and check out the battlegrounds while wandering through some...

Crowfall finishes out Kickstarter worth $1,766,204

ArtCraft Entertainment's "throne war simulator" Crowfall was officially funded this morning, with 16,936 backers pledging a grand total of $1,766,204 -- over 2000 backers...

The Stream Team: I am Groot, kind of

March's Choose My Adventure Sampler Platter Edition continues tonight with a little bit of Marvel Heroes 2015. Join Massively OP's Mike Foster as he...