
Global Chat: Are MMO players too mean to game developers?

Is it too easy to forget that MMOs, like all video games, are made by people just like you and I? Belghast over at...

DCUO releases new munitions power set

DC Universe Online released its 13th power set today. Munitions "allows players to master over-the-top explosives, powerful ballistics, and large weapons," according to a...

The Stream Team: EverQuest II-sday, EU edition

If you've missed out on grouping with the MassivelyOP Minions because of time zones, today is your lucky day! MJ is introducing a European...
Nothing about snapping to the QB at the ten-yard line, though.

Crowfall video shows off siege concepts

Crowfall's siege mechanics are on display today in a new video highlighting the Artcraft Entertainment's current plans for taking on player-controlled cities. The video...
This is what happens when you give guns to plants.

Guild Wars 2 hopes to reinspire interest in story

It's hard to be a Sylvari in Guild Wars 2 at the moment. After all, the plant people have an undeniable tie to the...

Not So Massively: Descent’s Kickstarter woes; Heroes of the Storm’s $450K tourney blunder

Descent: Underground has passed the 50% mark on its Kickstarter campaign and promised to add singleplayer to the title but has only four days...
Glub glub.

Here’s how to hunt whales in Black Desert

Would you like to hunt whales in Black Desert? No, not the big cash shop spenders, but actual whales in the ocean and stuff....
No more gates.

World of Warcraft tokens go on sale April 7th

Looking forward to paying for your World of Warcraft subscription with in-game gold? You don't have long to wait at all; the WoW Token...
Oh, that's not super-disturbing or anything, thanks.

Shroud of the Avatar chronicles community projects

The most recent update to Shroud of the Avatar had a bit of a bunny theme. It was intentional, a bit of a nod...

Meet the MMO that lives in Second Life

Welcome to MMOception: an MMO within an MMO (or if you want to get technical, an MMO within a "virtual world"), By using scripting and the...
More like real reality.

The Elder Scrolls Online celebrates its first anniversary with a video

It might be hard to believe, but it's been a whole year since The Elder Scrolls Online launched. Specifically, it was a year as...

Music Man Online beckons players to dance and date

Music Man Online -- a game that has a delightfuly confusing acronym, by the way -- has very little to do with 76 trombones...

Get a sneak peek of LOTRO’s Update 16

Lord of the Rings Online is gearing up for a big content push this month with Update 16. The devs put the patch on the...

Marvel Heroes adds AXIS raid

Gazillion says that Marvel Heroes was the first online action RPG to featuring raiding, and it's following that up with a new one called...

WildStar is adding a laser tag minigame

WildStar is getting a new Laser Phaser minigame, and it's currently on the sci-fantasy title's public test realm. It's currently scheduled to go live...

The Stream Team: Hunting down a set of wheels in H1Z1

Thanks to H1Z1's big patch, MassivelyOP's MJ can finally play someone with hair -- albeit still a male -- and she's going to take...

The Stream Team: Two troublemakers take on The Elder Scrolls Online

Interesting things happen when MassivelyOP's MJ and Larry team up in The Elder Scrolls Online. Exploring the justice system was quite the experience last time,...
Does anyone know what this game is about, I can't decipher it.

Wakfu releases the second part of the island of Kelba

The island of Kelba is not a relaxing island vacation for Wakfu players. Instead, it's a place for players to meet and take on...

The Stream Team: Tag-teaming The Secret World’s Tokyo story missions

With The Secret World's Issue #11 release creeping ever closer, MassivelyOP's MJ has to finish up the story missions from Issues #9 and #10...

Mu Online adds the Grow Lancer and a new season

Mu Online's about to get a bit bigger next Tuesday with the advent of Season X. See kids? Roman numerals haven't gone out of...