
MMO Mechanics: Three non-combat mechanics to love

The wheels in my head have been turning over non-combat mechanics in MMOs for a while now, perhaps because of the buzz surrounding Wander,...

One Shots: The infinite summons

One of the stranger Final Fantasy tropes is that the more powerful a summoned creature is, the longer it would take for any given...

The Stream Team: More motorcycle madness in GTA Online

When it comes to motorcycles, MassivelyOP's MJ just can't get enough! So she's taking to the streets of GTA Online to look for the...

The Game Archaeologist: The Matrix Online

It's not every year that a movie comes along that captures the pop culture zeitgeist so powerfully and so quickly as The Matrix did....

The Stream Team: Introducing The Secret World’s first motorcycle

Oh happy day! MassivelyOP's MJ is finally getting her Secret World motorcycle, something she's wanted since her first days walking around Kingsmouth. Even better,...

World of Warcraft inducted into World Video Game Hall of Fame

If you had to pick six of the most influential video games in history, what would they be? For a panel of experts at the...

The Stream Team: Win Dr. Doom during our Marvel Heroes anniversary party

What happens when you mix Marvel Heroes with MassivelyOP's MJ during the action RPG's month-long birthday bash? Gifts -- lots of gifts! While players...

Neverwinter’s Rise of Tiamat Xbox One trailer rawrs at you

As announced earlier this week, Neverwinter's Rise of Tiamat minispansion is gearing up for launch on the Xbox One sometime this month. The game's fifth...

The Stream Team: Create your own Aztecan castle with Wizard101 giveaway

Did you miss out on the free Aztecan Builder's Bundle giveaway for Wizard101 earlier this week? That's OK because MassivelyOP's MJ is giving you...

Overwatch shows off the turret-building gameplay of Torbjörn

Torbjörn, aside from having a name that's very satisfying to type when you're familiar with Unicode inputs, is a simple kind of guy. He...
I was hoping to punch things.

Skyforge previews the Kinetic class

The Kinetic is a class all about understanding the gravity of the situation. More specifically, it's about manipulating and utilizing gravity to fling boulders...
It's a miracle anything ever works.

Elite: Dangerous launches the Powerplay update

The latest update for Elite: Dangerous does not allow players to personally claim big chunks of the galaxy, but it does allow players to...

Elder Scrolls Online’s new trailer lampoons ‘that guy’ in your group

You know that guy who's always screwing around, fishing and reading books during raid boss encounters? His name is Tony, and he's the unwitting...

Massively Overthinking: The language barriers of MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes from Kickstarter donor XanadoX, who wants us to talk about "playing MMOs in another language: Korean, Japanese, or even...

The Stream Team: The first footsteps in Wander

What exactly is Wander? Now is your chance to see! An explorer at heart, MassivelyOP's MJ can't wait to dive into the newly launched...

Hearthstone welcomes new heroes to the table

Something intriguing is afoot over at Hearthstone. Blizzard. announced today that it's preparing to introduce new heroes -- not classes -- to its successful...
Gothier than thou.

See Overwatch’s Reaper in all of his dark, billowing action

Reaper's life in Overwatch is pretty difficult. His whole schtick is being dark and mysterious and wraithly and so forth, but that can't work well...

Snag a SMITE Xbox One closed beta key from Massively OP [All gone now!]

The Summer of SMITE is upon us! New playable character Ratatoskr, the Sly Messenger, went live with yesterday's patch, and the formerly PC-only MOBA...

Dungeons & Dragons Online demos the upcoming Warlock

In the context of the tabletop game that gives Dungeons & Dragons Online its name, a Warlock is a class defined by making a...

The Daily Grind: Have you tried Heroes of the Storm?

So, Heroes of the Storm launched this week. And Infinite Crisis called it quits. That's an interesting and slightly regrettable one-two punch from my...