
Ominous? Does that have the same root?

Daybreak overrules EverQuest progression server vote

Part of what keeps the community engaged with progression servers like the most recent EverQuest pairing of Ragefire and Lockjaw is the idea that...

Leaderboard: Which Wargaming title is your favorite?

World of Tanks never interested me much. World of Warplanes nailed the subject matter but unfortunately it didn't meet my expectations for an aerial combat title....

Leaderboard: Did SWTOR’s expansion announcement pull you back to the game?

Star Wars: The Old Republic's expansion announcement made me think about resubbing. I'm still thinking about it, but hey, that's better than not thinking...

Leaderboard: Stock MMO soundtracks vs. custom playlists

I like music. I like MMOs. I like MMO music, and really most game music in general. I don't always listen to an MMO's...

Leaderboard: Which mounts would you like to see in The Secret World?

Funcom's mount patch for The Secret World went live earlier today, and while we've talked a lot about the motorcycle in recent days, the...
Call of Juarez

Leaderboard: Would you play a wild west MMO?

I've been playing Call of Juarez: Gunslinger here lately. It's nothing special, really, but it is a competent wild west shooter that I picked up...
Star Citizen

Leaderboard: AI vs. player competition

Monday's blurb about NCsoft and its AI research was sort of interesting, don't you think? The Korean firm isn't the first MMO company to...

Leaderboard: Do you like the buy-to-play model?

I was discussing MMO business models with some friends this week, and one of them commented that buy-to-play is the best thing ever. I...
GTA Online

Leaderboard: How often do you see your guild mates in meatspace?

I'm hosting some online friends at my meatspace house this month, and last March I flew out to stay with some other friends I'd been...
Very respectful

Leaderboard: Would you play an MMO with no combat?

Recently Worlds Factory published a piece about Wander subtitled "combat isn't the only way." After I finished pumping my fist and saying hell yeah...
GTA Online

Leaderboard: How many concurrent players must a title support to be called an MMO?

I've been playing a lot of GTA Online here lately, and while the recently released PC version ups the multiplayer ante over its console...

Leaderboard: Which style of MMO PvP do you prefer?

MMO PvP comes in a lot of different flavors, and while all of them involve sticking the pointy end into the other man to...
lol, valve

Leaderboard: Which of the big four MOBAs is your favorite?

OK, MassivelyOP MOBA fans, it's time to vote for your favorite game. We're going to keep it simple for today's Leaderboard, though. There are...

Choose My Adventure: Torchlight, too

March is but a memory. April is here. And while a new month certainly brings new things to Choose My Adventure, we've got just...

Leaderboard: Did you back Crowfall?

Crowfall's Kickstarter ends this week. In fact, it ends tomorrow. By all accounts it's been enormously successful, both in terms of the funds received...

Choose My Adventure: Torchlight Heroes

Our March sampler-platter edition of Choose My Adventure is quickly coming to a close. There's only one more vote to take, one more game...

Choose My Adventure: Path of Marvel

In last week's Choose My Adventure, we learned a few magic spells and set off to conquer a tiny portion of Diablo III's hellish...
Gotta go... well, mostly just away.

EVE’s CSM elections are coming next week

CCP's latest dev blog talks up the fast-approaching elections for EVE Online's 10th Council of Stellar Management. The voting opens on February 25th, and...