
Not So Massively: HoN’s fifth anniversary update; Dota 2 rakes in millions of dollars

Heroes of Newerth received a colossal patch this week to celebrate its fifth anniversary, introducing a new intelligence carry hero, a capture the flag...

SkySaga opens up the desert for Alpha 4

A new biome is coming to SkySaga with its fourth alpha test: the desert. Of course, this being SkySaga and all, the desert promises...

MMO Week in Review: The future of EverQuest Next [May 3, 2015]

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! You...
Not the chess maneuver.

A guide to building and using your kingdom in Crowfall

Crowfall's individual campaign worlds are intended to be reset over time. That's by design; each world will flourish, then wither, then die. But the...
Thanks for giving me things in response to taking things!

Landmark is refunding players for basic material packs

It's not much fun to play a building game like Landmark if you don't have the materials to actually, you know, build. This is why the...
This was a thing.

Daybreak launches new site, triggers week of celebratory events

Daybreak Game Company now has a new home and logo to make its transition from Sony Online Entertainment complete. "We are so proud of our...

EverQuesting: Daybreak expounds on Landmark’s postponed wipe

Some pretty big changes are on their way to Landmark, not the least of which is the final full character wipe and an extensive...
Do we seize the feature creep or not? Decisions!

Crowfall reaches its graphics programmer stretch goal

Like many big crowdfunded projects, Crowfall didn't stop reaching for stretch goals just because the game's main Kickstarter project ended. The project has hit...

Take a look at Landmark’s overhauled landmasses

Landmark's landmasses are getting a major facelift in the sandbox's last big wipe coming up next week. Not only are more biomes (underwater, volcanic,...

How Star Wars Galaxies pioneered a ‘living society’

Former Star Wars Galaxies Creative Director and current Crowfall consultant Raph Koster returned to his blog last night to pen the fourth in his...
I did a thing, now give me my stat boost.

Landmark shows off its upcoming achievement-based progression

The next big update to Landmark will bring a major update to progression, and that means a major update to how the game's achievements...

El Somni Quas developers issue a design manifesto

We introduced El Somni Quas to you last week -- it's an old school sandbox created by an indie team in the Czech Republic. But...

Crowfall delivers minotaur lore, Confessor sculpture

Crowfall is delivering a two-for-one dev update today, starting with lore behind the Myrmidon. The Myrmidon is a minotaur that made it into the...

SkySaga explains the tech behind its good looks

SkySaga's developers don't want you to automatically lump their title in with the rest of the voxel crowd based on it looks. A new...
Price shark.

Trion snaps up Linda ‘Brasse’ Carlson

Nothing tells your player community that the transition to a new corporate structure will be totally fine like firing a pillar of community interaction,...

How Crowfall will be built for around $6M

How can Crowfall be made with less than $10 million in this day and age? That's the big question of the day that Executive...

Crowfall expounds on the service of Thralls

Have you ever wanted to be a grim reaper? In Crowfall, you can. And for once it is a mutually beneficial proposition! A new...

The Stream Team: Landmark is where all IPs come together

When you give creative people free rein in Landmark, some pretty awesome things happen! Besides fantastical creations straight out of the player's imagination, there...
I'm awesome but not in this.

Crowfall unveils the badass lady Champion

Crowfall unveiled the concept art for the female Champion today, and... well, it's pretty great. She's huge, she's visibly powerful, and she's intended to...
Yes, this assuages my nervousness, you bet.

EverQuest Next offers a new piece of fiction for fans

While news has been a bit quiet on the development front for EverQuest Next, the game is still producing lore for its fans if...