All is not well following World of Warcraft's recent pre-expansion patch earlier this week. Two controversies are rocking the game resulting from the update...
The big pre-patch for World of Warcraft's next expansion is finally here, meaning that everyone's specs have changed, everyone's abilities have changed, and bugs...
Justin and Bree discuss WoW, Pokemon Go, Trove, SWTOR's KOTET, and GW2 season 3, with mailbag questions on depression and ESO advice, plus an epic ad rant.
It's launch.
Can we collectively accept that? Marketing, developers, and players alike? Launch is launch. When your game launches, it has launched. If I can...
World of Warcraft's Legion pre-patch is on the way as promised: on July 19th, to be exact. The patch will include the new transmogrification system...
How are your World of Warcraft: Legion preparations coming? Everyone in the community seems to have his or her own to-do list for the expansion, and...
This week's Massively Overthinking should be a fun one -- and hopefully it'll contrast nicely with the Game Archaeologist column we ran last week, which...
Legion is coming.
Last week, Blizzard began pushing out the pre-patch for pre-launch events for World of Warcraft's Legion expansion. That means Demon Hunters are...
When will World of Warcraft players experience the Legion pre-patch? Despite the fact that the opening lines of the most recent development dispatch promise...