world of warcraft

Official Site: World of Warcraft
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: November 23, 2014
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Subscription (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Holy arts.

World of Warcraft scrambles to fix post-7.1.5 class balance

World of Warcraft's most recent content update isn't a week old yet, but it's already dug itself into a pit of controversy. You see,...

Guild Chat: Balancing real life and MMORPG commitments

Welcome along to another advice-filled edition of Guild Chat, the column in which I attempt to huddle together with the Massively Overpowered community in...

Nostalrius has decided handing its WoW emu code to Elysium wasn’t such a good idea after all

So here's a twist in the Nostalrius saga that we didn't see coming: The group has changed its mind about supporting its code on...
No, you don't get it, she has no eyes.

WoW Factor: New classes in a post-Legion world

So World of Warcraft patch 7.1.5 is out now... but I'm going to be honest, that doesn't feel like much of anything. It's there,...

Elysium opens up yet another Nostalrius server

The pro-vanilla World of Warcraft community is fond of flinging Blizzard's "you think you do, but you don't" around as a defense for the...
This is both awesome and an illustration of what's wrong.

World of Warcraft Q&A covers professions, timewalking, and the Brawler’s Guild

Yesterday, the World of Warcraft Senior Game Designer Paul Kubit sat down to take on a question-and-answer session about this week's Patch 7.1.5 and...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Massively Overthinking: Tab-target vs. action combat in MMORPGs

Massively OP patron Duane is kicking the new year off right: with a brawl over combat types in MMOs. "Tab-target, action, or hybrid combat, for...
Let me actually just get stronger.

World of Warcraft players will have a quest to upgrade Legendary items

Do you want a shiny level 940 Legendary in World of Warcraft instead of being stuck with the garbage level 910 you already have?...

Jukebox Heroes: Six MMOs that need official soundtrack releases

For an avid fan of video game soundtracks, and of MMO soundtracks in particular, the most frustrating aspect of collecting and listening to these...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 99: Landmark goes into the dark

Justin and Bree discuss Landmark, Trove, Asheron's Call, WoW, FFXIV, WildStar, Hi-Rez, and Ashes of Creation before dipping into the mailbag to speculate on Daybreak's future.
Too much forging ahead making everything worse to do!

World of Warcraft patch 7.1.5 launches today

If you're hoping for new content in today's World of Warcraft patch, you will be largely disappointed. Not entirely disappointed, perhaps, since the patch...

The Game Archaeologist: Hero’s Journey

Fiction writers know well of Joseph Campbell's identification and outline of the monomyth, or "hero's journey," in many stories. The 12-step process starts with...
Still not really a thing for most of the world, though.

World of Warcraft’s Zul’jin joins Heroes of the Storm

One of World of Warcraft's iconic warlords is now moonlighting in Blizzard's MOBA. This week, Heroes of the Storm released its first patch of...
more dots

World of Warcraft heralds the coming of Patch 7.1.5

It looks likely that World of Warcraft's Patch 7.1.5 -- a surprisingly packed "in-between" update -- will be coming very soon now. It's always...
Anyway here's Wonderwall.

Massively Overthinking: Hopes and wishes for MMORPGs in the new year

One of the frustrating bits about our end-of-the-year content rollouts is that sometimes predictions and story roundups can come across as negative. It's way...
We are great at our jobs.

Diablo III’s Darkening of Tristram ‘retrovision’ anniversary event is live

Classic ARPG Diablo has made its presence known across Blizzard's many franchises this week as it celebrates its 20th birthday, from a new cow level...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: The best MMORPG updates and expansions of 2016 (that aren’t Legion)

Sometimes you have to exclude something from a list. I could, for example, praise World of Warcraft: Legion for being a really good expansion...

New Nostalrius PvP server goes live this weekend

Just when you thought you were going to get through the new year without a single mention of Nostalrius, January 2017 kicks you in...

World of Warcraft opens a portal to Diablo’s cow level

World of Warcraft is horning in on one of the most famous Easter eggs in the Diablo franchise: the cow level. As part of...
Can we?

World of Warcraft previews the Nighthold raid

The elves of Suramar hold a font of great power, and under Grand Magistrix Elisande they have thrown their lot in with the Burning...