
Black Desert teases Underwater Ruins expansion on PC, updates with Valencia expansion on Xbox One

Aquaphobic folks would do well to avoid Black Desert's upcoming content rollout. But for everyone else, the Underwater Ruins expansion approaches on May 22nd....
Oh my!

Conan Exiles is launching The Riddle of Steel DLC to honor the 1982 Conan movie

Conan Exiles is due for a fresh round of DLC this week: It's called The Riddle of Steel, and it's specifically an homage to...

The Stream Team: A first look at Elder Scrolls Online’s Necromancer on PTS

How much does Massively OP's MJ like all you, the OPTV viewers? Enough to play a class she has never played -- nor ever...

Snag a sleuthing shock-rat in Pokemon Go’s upcoming Detective Pikachu event

Prepare yourselves, Poké-sleuths: In celebration of the upcoming release of the Detective Pikachu movie this weekend, Niantic has announced a new in-game event for...

Massively Uplifting: Destigmatizing mental health in games, celebrating loved ones in LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, and Elite

Spring started splendidly this year. While all may not come up roses in the world at large, plenty of good deeds and uplifting stories...

The Stream Team: Hoping for a Path of Exile hideout

In all her Path of Exile, playing Massively OP's MJ has yet to actually get a hideout. MJ, without housing?! Yes, we know it's...
This is what you asked for with another Fallout title, guys. This is what your hands have wrought.

The Internet Historian video lays out the sad saga of Fallout 76

As we well know by now, one of the more exciting and promising developments in the MMO space last year ended up being an...

World of Warcraft’s Anduin Wrynn brings his pretty face to Heroes of the Storm

Of all the fictional authority figures in the World of Warcraft universe, King Anduin Wrynn is easily one of the prettiest. At least in...

ReWorld divides into two games, shows off in-development biomes

It's time to check back in with ReWorld Online, the customizable MMORPG that players such as yourself will be able to fashion into a...

Gamevil’s new mobile MMO Talion will launch May 28

Mobile gamers will soon have another option for getting their on-the-go MMO fix, as Gamevil will be launching its newest title Talion on the...

MMOs You’ve Never Heard Of: Mordhau, Dransik Rebirth, Aberoth, Star Sonata, and Kicks Online

Welcome back to another roundup of MMOs and MMO-adjacent online multiplayer games you've probably never heard of - or have totally forgotten about. Up first:...

The Stream Team: Exploring Astroneer space

Last time Massively OP's MJ was exploring in Astroneer, she went to the center of the planet. Now, she wants to go to other...

The Game Archaeologist: Minions of Mirth

While large teams with big budgets and studios backing them are expected to push out smash hit MMORPGs, to me it's always vastly more...

The Stream Team: Filling Warframe’s Void

TennoCon is creeping closer and closer, and Massively OP's MJ still has a way to go to catch up in Warframe's story. Tonight, she...

Elder Scrolls Blades releases fresh early access trailer and patch

The Elder Scrolls: Blades is having a bit of a rough release, what with the endless string of criticism over its business model and...

Inside Star Citizen discusses the 3.5 flight model, collecting feedback, and the Banu Defender

The weekly Star Citizen development video is out once again, and this time it's all about that flight model, which is something that the...

The Stream Team: Finishing LOTRO’s anniversary missions

With 12 years of anniversary missions in LOTRO, Massively OP's MJ was unable to complete them all last week. Thanks to the slimmed down,...
So, bye.

Vague Patch Notes: MMOs are not the same as your single-player games with servers

Recently, I've been trying to get into Bloodborne. This isn't a result of my disliking the Souls franchise as a whole, just that it's never...

Grab a MU Legend Gates of Glory item pack key from Webzen and Massively OP!

MU Legend is celebrating a big update this week with the release of Gates of Glory. "The new content update introduces the Black Phantom class,...

Vindictus releases the gun witch Eira and launches the Golden Time event

Vindictus is about to get a lot more shooty and portal magic-y. Eira the Void Witch, the pistol-toting temporal magic user that was first...