
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Faires past

Final Fantasy XIV brings a shark-filled Moonfire Faire around on August 12

On August 11th, Final Fantasy XIV players will face the end of the Shadowbringers MSQ arc that will decide the fate of a world....

Save the world in RuneScape’s Desperate Measures

Archaeology and saving the world go hand-in-hand -- just ask Doctor Jones. RuneScape players have a chance to experience this themselves right now with...

Amazon’s New World gears up for ‘density’ stress testing this week

It was no real surprise earlier this month when Amazon said it was delaying New World yet again, this time until 2021 - frankly,...

LOTRO and DDO offer apologies and gifts for two weeks of troubles

Two weeks ago, Lord of the Rings Online players were treated to "cascading" issues across the game servers that led to multiple days of...
Urgent, urgent, urgent!

Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to Steam on August 5

Remember the Phantasy Star Online 2 launch fiasco with the Windows store? Of course you do. It was terrible. And it led to a...

Red Dead Online ends its content drought with today’s Frontier Pursuit, the Naturalist

Just two weeks ago, we covered the simultaneously amusing and sad story about Red Dead Online players dressing up as clowns to protest a...

Steam appears to be testing out a Playtest button on its game pages

Wouldn't it be easier to just sign up for beta testing and playtesting events via Steam instead of other means? Yes, it would. And...
Donkeys cannot use horse gear.

Black Desert’s summer server season will end early to accommodate the PC Hashashin launch

So Black Desert has some good news and bad news this past week. And the bad news leads in to the good news, so...

WoW Classic trumpets the start of the Ahn’Qiraj war effort

It may be strange to consider, but the 2020 opening of Ahn'Qiraj in WoW Classic may actually be a bigger deal than it was...

Elder Scrolls Online plans live tests and major Cyrodiil changes to combat performance issues

If it seems like we've been talking about improved performance in The Elder Scrolls Online for a really long time, you're not nuts because...

World Seed makes an MMO out of a board game

When you think about it, combining board games with MMORPGs isn't the worst idea in the world. Graphical MUDs and games like Stash have...

Heroes of Hammerwatch is a twin-stick multiplayer rogue-lite RPG arriving to Xbox and Switch this week

If you like your dungeon crawler hack n' slash games more pixelated and challenging, then you might be familiar with Hammerwatch, a game that...
Robot? Maybe? I don't know any more.

TERA’s EU version upgrades to the 64-bit client this coming August

Ah, the 64-bit client! 64-bit clients for games are pretty well the norm by now, but some games have held back. One such example...
Busting makes me feel lackluster.

Champions of Titan is shutting down at the end of August

Farewell, Champions of Titan, we scarcely knew you. The game is shutting down on August 31st, which means the game's Steam page will be...

Wanna feel old? Here’s what Path of Exile looked like over a decade ago

Ahead of the 10th anniversary of the first introduction of Path of Exile to the public, Grinding Gear Games has posted a "then and...

Elite Dangerous will hand out free tritium to Fleet Carriers to combat a fuel shortage

You'd think in a video game where resources can just be populated at the developers' will that a fuel shortage wouldn't be possible, but...
This is someone else's problem.

EU study recommends taking on lockboxes as a consumer issue rather than a gambling issue

As much as the companies using them to make bank might want them to, the discussions around lockboxes are not going away. And a...
Choppy choppy.

Here’s 22 minutes of video explaining what we know about Elyon’s beta version so far

Beta testing for Elyon, aka The Game Formerly Known as Ascent: Infinite Realm, has been ongoing in Korea for a little while now while...

The in-game memorial for a fallen PlanetSide 2 player spanned four instances this weekend

You know, I am always conflicted about these types of stories: They are tragedies, and nobody wants to have to tell a community that...

Star Citizen fans call on CIG to post an update on Squadron 42 development progress

A post on the Star Citizen subreddit has been growing in traction in recent days, putting into perspective an abject lack of substantial progress...