In other TERA news, a translation of a talk given by former Bluehole Studios producer Kim Nak Heong has surfaced on the official TERA forums. Kim says his studio didn’t expect the Elin race to be popular, that it was a “filler” race and a female version of the Popori. By the time the Japanese market requested swimsuits for the Elin, the American market had eclipsed it, but “the profit [Bluehole] made from this costume alone exceeded all the profit [Bluehole] made from all the swimming costumes for all races in Korea. […] They say school swimming suits, bloomers, and maid outfits are the 3 wonders in Japan. Maid costume was especially a big hit.” In fact, the Elin costumes made the free-to-play transition financially feasible. Kim also notes that TERA has performed best in North America.
We’ve got an infographic on the game below.