It’s not been the best week for Star Citizen. The upcoming space sim suffered a massive 48 GB data leak after a community manager accidentally left a partial URL attached to a posted screenshot. The culprits used this to go in and nab art assets for the Void Bomber and Bengal Carrier, as well as potential story spoilers.
To wash the bad taste of that incident out of your mouth, you might want to turn to the latest 10 for the Producers Q&A session. The devs confirmed the use of an in-game chat system for the FPS portion of the game, discussed the use of in-game currency, speculated on the direction that AI behavior could go, and even hinted that there could be romances between players and NPCs.
“Usually by the cutscenes, but also in the actual gameplay and actions that you can do, being able to develop a good personal relationship with significant others, so to speak,” said developer Rickey Jutley, “and I think Star Citizen’s going to give you a great opportunity to probably do that, because there’s going to be so many different people, so many different beings, in the ‘Verse, yeah.”