Apparently I got a new game for free on Steam. I wasn’t really planning on it; I just saw a little advertisement saying that Race the Sun was free for one day only, so I decided to check it out, figuring it was one of the many games out there that has a free play weekend or day or whatever. It wasn’t until yesterday that I realized it was, yes, completely free for that one day, that I now own the game for a price of zero dollars. I’m not quite sure how I feel about that.
I guess more companies going the EA/Origin route of having periodic free games works out for my game library in the short term, though? That’s something.
What Are You Playing is free to read, of course, but it always has been. It’s free to read every day. And it gives you a good idea of what the Massively Overpowered writers are playing alongside our Patrons. You can let us know what you’re going to be up to down in the comments, too.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Realistically, I won’t get to play anything, as I’m in full moving mode over the next week! But I have Marvel Heroes, Trove, and Project Gorgon loaded up and waiting for me if I can sneak in any time. Re: Gorgon: an old-school sandpark that Justin actually likes has to be worth a try.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I suppose I’m kind of predictable with Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft eating up my weekend routine, but hey – there’s roleplaying to do and fun to be had. It’s worked thus far.
Jef Reahard (@jefreahard): EverQuest II mostly, with some Lord of the Rings Online summer festival because I feel the need to get every one of those stupidly pointless deeds.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Project Gorgon has me well and hooked, so this weekend I’ll be seeing if I can get cursed into being a cow so that I can live like a cow, play like a cow, and be victorious like a cow. I’d also love to make progress with my Bounty Hunter in Star Wars: The Old Republic (even with 12x on, it’s still a long journey!) and get into some WildStar fun. Also I’ll be inviting players into our new Marvel Heroes supergroup, so look Sypster up if you’re online!
Larry Everett (@Shaddoe, blog): We are doing a bit of restructuring within my Star Wars: The Old Republic guild, and we are reinventing the guild’s store so that it can be more social and carry over into the new expansion a little bit better. Then of course, I do have raid on Sunday like usual.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I’ll be totally immersed in EverQuest II (both the TLE server and regular) as well as ARK: Survival Evolved. I am not even going to pretend I have time to do anything else; any extra time I find will be in one of those two games.
Brandon Michael Adams: Finally, a weekend not surrounded by dirt, and in my own house no less. Once the initial shock over seeing the color green wears off, I plan to host a party for my roommate this Friday, seeing as he is about to deploy. This of course will be followed by plenty of hungover weekend Final Fantasy XIV, as I question my friends as to why they would let me cause such suffering to myself (grinding both Scrips and Tomes; maybe the drinking too). I may even sneak in some Dragon Age: Inquisition. I have to work on that backlog at some point, right?
Your turn!