It’s been a long and stressful day-and-a-half for both WildStar players and Carbine, as the game’s free-to-play patch resulted in horrendous lag, lengthy queues, and critical bugs such as not being able to create new characters.
Carbine has taken the game servers down multiple times since Wednesday morning to attempt to rectify the issues. “We’ve been working hard to address the problems arising from the added strain, and we’ve already performed a number of hotfixes — as well as short maintenances and restarts over the last couple days — aimed at optimizing the service to reduce lag, shorten queue times, and help with character creation delays,” the studio posted.
The team said that it will continue to perform on-the-spot maintenance as needed in the near future and encouraged players to follow the operations team on Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest developments.
15 hour shift. Heading home now. G'night world.
— Derek S. Hernandez (@derek_delakron) September 30, 2015
I just counted and I have worked 52 out of the last 65 hours. I really do love #WildStar but I think it is time for a quick nap!
— Chris Thomas (@BuidenCodes) October 1, 2015
Reddit thumbed-up this sacrifice.