ArenaNet Game Director Colin Johanson had a few words to share today to prepare the Guild Wars 2 community for this week’s Heart of Thorns launch.
In the post, Johanson covered four quick topics. The first was to inform the community that the expansion would launch with a mix of guild mission types, after which guilds could pick what type of missions they wanted to do the following week. Next was the news that the Engineer icon will be revised for battlefield clarity and that fractal dungeon leaderboards have more work to be done and will not make it for the expansion launch.
Finally, Johanson said that Guild Wars 2 is about to tone its battle visuals down a notch: “One change you’ll notice when the expansion goes live — a number of FX for skills have changed. We’ve tried to cut back some of the visual noise of some of the ‘noisiest’ skills to make it easier to see what’s going on in combat with multiple players/mobs on screen.”