Not many of you know this because I had no intention of really making a thing out of it, but I have been divorced from Susan for about five years now. Luckily, now I am a writer here and can dredge up our old arguments in article form, thus implicitly making everyone agree with me and disagree with her. So there. There is absolutely something wrong with putting the crackers on the third shelf instead of the second one, Susan. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You are insane, and your FPS games are stupid.
Wow! Dredging up that otherwise entirely irrelevant discussion made me feel a whole lot better about things. Now let’s all get down with What Are You Playing, wherein we’ll tell you what we’re playing and you can let us know what you’re doing in the comments. You can also feel free to say how Susan is totally wrong. Susan.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I hope to be in Guild Wars 2 this weekend, creeping along my masteries path, and I do mean creeping. And falling. More like falling.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Somehow the siren song of Xenoblade Chronicles X got to me, so I’ll be trying that out amidst my usual weekend activities of Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft. I also need to put some time in on Dark Souls at some point.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Always so much to do and so little time in which to do it. I’ve just gotten back into RIFT, so I have a Mage to level up there, and I want to get in some time with WildStar and Star Wars: The Old Republic as well. I also installed Path of Exile, so we’ll see if that leads to something interesting.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I’ll be tackling the NYC subway raid instance and then exploring new areas once we zone out of there. Flea markets, ice skating, and used books might all be involved. After that, I plan on continuing my work of creating an army of albino flying dinosaurs in ARK: Survivor Evolved. We’ve had two different sets of albino triplets so far, so hopefully we’ll manage another one (or three)! I also plan on spending a little time in Lord of the Rings Online, possibly making a new character, or maybe finally moving closer to Rohan on my main.
Patreon donor Thatchefdude: This weekend, after coming back from my trip to Italy over Thanksgiving I’ll be trying to finish up two single-player campaigns I still have lurking around: Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I’m nowhere near ready to delve into Heavensward 3.1 content, so FFXIV can wait until Christmas break time for now. I’ll probably spend some time testing out the Uncharted 4 multiplayer beta as well, because Uncharted is awesome even if forced multiplayer on single-player games isn’t…
Patreon donor Pierre: This is the second weekend I’ll spend exploring the wasteland in Fallout 4; I don’t know why exactly, but I love this game while Fallout 3 bored me to hell. If I had to guess, I would explain it by the presence of many MMO features in the game like crafting and housing, or maybe it’s just because I like the story better. The fact that you can build and arrange your little village of survivors in Fallout 4 is really a treat. I spent hours last weekend doing just that (all right, I spent some time trying to understand how this housing UI operates). When I leave the wasteland, it will be to explore the world of Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls Online. I really love that game, it’s my favorite MMO of the moment.
Your turn!