Blizzard wants Heroes of the Storm to be accessible to everyone. That can’t happen if your first match of the game sees you pitted against expert players who defeat you so thoroughly that your realistic input in the match ends after you choose your character. Thus, a number of changes have been made to the game’s matchmaking engine, which have resulted in notable improvements to the fairness of matches. But the team isn’t finished yet.
Further updates to matchmaking are planned, starting with a restriction against having multiple particularly complex heroes such as Abathur in a quick match. Queue times are also being looked at, although the developers are all right with the current length of queue times for quality matchups; any longer would be unacceptable. While further updates to matchmaking are still in the pipe, a balance patch has already come out to power down Li-Ming, Stitches, and Rehgar slightly, while Anub’arak is getting a bit of a survivability buff.