Hopefully you weren’t unduly attached to the number-crunched specifics of any of Crowfall’s planned archetypes because the in-development MMO is contemplating some minor changes.
In the wake of the Ranger’s development and new tech, Design Lead Thomas “Blixtev” Blair says, ArtCraft is headed back to other systems and archetypes for a balancing pass, something he says we can continue to expect as the Siege Perilous ruleset is tested.
For example, ArtCraft is implementing a “dizzy” state, adding base health and damage modifiers, tweaking heal scaling, adjusting Champion damage powers, and working on Ranger bow damage. The Legionnaire is shifting around a bit too:
“The Legionnaire had a bit of work done on his basic combo chain. We looked at the play metrics and found that virtually no Legionnaires were using the 4th and 5th portion of the chain. So, we cut them and pushed down the power of the Command Buff into the Discipline Buff in the 3rd attack. We also added an instant group heal component to the 3rd attack. This should make the Legionnaire feel a bit more “heal-y”, as most Legionnaires do tend to make it to the 3rd attack. We are also pumping up the FX on the basic heals so you can tell what is going on. (Many folks don’t realize that the 3rd attack has a proc that it puts on teammates that heals mana/health when they attack!)”