Last Friday’s announcement from Carbine about its layoffs and WildStar’s cancelled China launch was doused in a double-dipping of PR-speak. For those who found that statement cold and lacking comfort, then bask in a new letter from Game Director Chad “Pappy” Moore, who delivers honesty, sympathy, and encouragement over the situation.
“There are still exciting days ahead for WildStar,” Moore promised. “It’s important for everyone to realize that the next few months will be a transitional period for Carbine. We still have a passionate group of core developers here who are focused on improving the game and creating new content, but transitions like this take time, and I’d like to thank all of you for being patient as the team gets settled and our development timelines get solidified. We’ll continue to communicate with you every step of the way.”
Moore commiserated with those who lost their jobs and stressed WildStar’s upcoming events, such as its Steam launch, Destination Arcterra patch, new systems, and additional content. He also thanked the community for its continued support.