If you’ve been away from Vindictus for a while, you might be wondering what’s going on with the game. The answer is that it’s still hacking and slashing along with its various characters, including a new character set to be introduced on July 14th. Delia wields a two-handed sword and hacks her way through foes with graceful, arcing strikes, allowing her to mow down numerous enemies with just a few sweeps of the blade.
But what are you going to do until the 14th? Well, you can take part in the game’s ongoing Jump to 75 Event, allowing players with one character at 75 to push alts up with just a few quick items. The level boost also includes a variety of equipment and utility boosts to help you catch up further as you move through the current tier of game content. That event is running through July 31st, so you can feel free to held on to the power until Delia arrives… or you could just make use of it now, since there’s already a surfeit of characters to choose between.