Elite: Dangerous adds more fighter support, ‘mysterious’ planetary discoveries


Feeling lost among the stars, especially when you run out of fuel and find yourself drifting in the cosmos and contemplating a new line of work? Elite: Dangerous’ development team is here to help you graduate from greenhorn to space ace with a few simple tips and tricks.

The advice comes straight from today’s 2.2 Beta celebration livestream, which the team is using as a platform to promote the big patch and entice more players into the game. The 2.2 Beta adds NPC fighter pilots for hire, fighter bays in many larger vessels, simple orders for ships under your command, and several new ships including the F-63 Condor and the Beluga Liner.

Planet explorers may be delighted to hear that the devs have added “biological entities” and “mysterious things” to planetary surfaces. What will you find down there on the ground?

You can watch the ongoing livestream after the break.

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