“It looks like we will not be able to get U19 out on Monday,” the devs said, “as we found an issue with the Henneth Annun landscape that we want to correct prior to going live with the update. We’re still looking at [this] week for U19, though. Stay tuned for a more specific time frame.”
So if you’re chafing at the delay, here are four great ways to pass the time. The first is by poring over the Update 19: March of the King patch notes because you can never be too well informed. The second is to read or listen through the first part of Dadi’s interview with CM Cordovan about Update 19 and the various changes coming with the patch.
Numbers three and four concern a pair of videos waiting for you after the break, with a look at 10 reasons to play LOTRO in 2016 and a recap of the conversation between the Tolkien Professor and Jeffrey Libby.