I got misty-eyed in my Ultima Online video last week when during the tour of a true elder game, I visited a memorial to fallen players. But what about characters — and what about NPCs?
The topic occurred to me thanks to a Reddit thread that linked to what began as a bit of a joke at Final Fantasy XIV’s Fanfest over the weekend. Under a banner meant for signing, one player placed some battery-powered candles and a photo of Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller, an NPC slain in the game’s storyline. But over the course of the event, other players began piling their own tributes to Haurchefant on top. As the photographer snaps new photos throughout the day, the makeshift memorial has been heaped with tissues, chopsticks, cookies, fruit, candy, a mask, crackers, trading cards, a statue of the Eiffel tower, a giant pointy finger, beer, condoms, a glass vase, a stepstool, a cardboard sign, and actual money. (Among the first items added are soup and hot chocolate, which Eliot notes are both foods Haurchefant prepares for multiple other characters in the game.)OK, so maybe I am easily amused, but it did make me wonder whether any of you has ever set up a real-life memorial for a beloved video game character — an NPC or your own. So have you?
I brought my Haurchefant memorial to fanfest and it got a bit out of hand by the end… (gallery)