Today’s Daily Grind is inspired by two people: MySecretID, who sent along a link to an Extra Credits video about a gamer whose devastating vision impairment was aided considerably by video games and “saved [her] quality of life,” and Angel, a disabled gamer who asked us back in October to write about how gaming saves lives.
“I rarely get to leave the house with much work,” she told us. “MMOs have always been my outlet, my connection to others and have saved me time and again from the all consuming depression that can go hand in had with being disabled. As a regular redditor, I often see posts on the various gaming subreddits with the original poster thanking the game/gaming community for helping them through dark times. Maybe it’s time we spotlight some of these cases. Because there are so many times that MMOs can be life savers.”
I can conjure up dozens of times when a game or gamer has changed my life, maybe especially my guildies years ago who helped me through severe homesickness when I moved very far away from my family. But today, I want to hear your stories. Have video games, or MMOs specifically, ever helped you through dark times or even saved your life?