But the Warden also had to work for noobs.
“This was a pillar of the class’s design,” Lead Combat Designer Eric Wrobel explains. “ESO: Morrowind is a great opportunity for new players to experience The Elder Scrolls Online for the first time, so we wanted a class that was easy to pick up, yet difficult to master. When we came up with the ideas for Animal Companions, Green Balance, and Winter’s Embrace, they each had to fit into one of these molds.”
And never forget that once the pretty stuff is done, it’s all about metrics, metrics, metrics — never think that they’re not watching what you’re doing in order to improve the game!
“Once players get their hands on the Warden, our business intelligence team captures data about the decisions they are making. We know about all the most popular abilities, morphs, gear, Mundus stones, etc. We can then take and filter this data to create a model of what Wardens are doing in PvP, PvE, and at lower levels, helping us find where adjustments need to be made.”