“Most games of the genre are singularly, er, singular affairs, where it’s you against the world,” the team wrote in the guide. “And maybe you think those skills wouldn’t transfer to the massively multiplayer universe of Elder Scrolls Online. But nothing could be further from the truth. Elder Scrolls Online is, first and foremost, an Elder Scrolls game, and that means fans of previous games like Skyrim — and of RPGs in general — will find plenty that’s familiar.”
With the expansion launch on June 6th and the head start on May 22nd, Elder Scrolls Online has only a few days left to hype up the release. The team is planning a three-day livestream event from May 19th through the 22nd in which participating testers are free from the NDA to show and talk about whatever they will.
Speaking of Morrowind, there’s a new “meet the character” piece up about another one of the inhabitants of Vvardenfell, the mysterious Seryn.