The Elder Scrolls Online posted a guide to some of the major locations on the island, although all players will start out in the port town of Seyda Neen: “Do not let the Imperial-styled buildings throw you off, the town is under the control of House Hlaalu, so if you want to trade with the Dark Elves of Morrowind, you had better be prepared to pay your dues. From this location, the entirety of the island opens up to you. You can proceed East to Vivec City and Suran, or North to Balmora, Ald’ruhn, and Gnisis.”
Leading up to the head start is a three-day livestream event in which participants can share their thoughts of Morrowind, free from the clutches of the NDA. ESO recently posted a guide for solo players trying out the MMO, and our own Larry has five things for you to do in the game before jumping into the expansion.