The UI had many adjustments, including simplifying player nameplates by removing faction, rank, and such (they are a part of the inspect system now). Folks who don’t like the obtrusive reticle will be happy to know that it can be changed to a dot as well as be moved to an over-the-shoulder view. More customization is in the works, including an option to make it disappear completely. First-person view has likewise been added.
Funcom also demonstrated combat using the blade with its specialization, spirit blade. On a related topic, players will also unlock a special capstone ability upon unlocking all weapon abilities; this capstone will increase in level for each additional weapon capstone that is unlocked.
As for City of the Sun God, Game Director Romain Amiel told viewers that the zone has “a whole bunch of new missions.” On top of that, there will be special devices to fling players around the map. Other tidbits include the news that missions can be both paused and resumed from the mission window, dungeons will scale more (players could conceivably solo the 3-man versions, but not 5-man), a separate mission slot has been added for investigation missions, and the level cap is locked at 50. For all the details on these and other changes, kick back and watch the full livestream below.