Acquire the world’s largest collection of unopened expired mayonnaise jars. Start a band with the goal of having the world’s best cover of 4’33”. Develop an extensive database and software designed to allow people to see which state comptrollers through history would win in a boating contest. Run for president of your bedroom by campaigning around the neighborhood. Use a dedicated scientific experiment to determine exactly how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Devote your life to finding an insult that upsets owls.
Sent letters to celebrities using cut-out magazine letters indicating that you hope they are all having great days. Translate “Baby Got Back” into Aramaic. Find out which Whole Foods in the nation will let you stand in the produce department while yelling out the names of Transformers for the longest period of time before you are thrown out. Write nonsensical introductions to What Are You Playing. Learn how to install and have passionate opinions about various versions of Linux.
​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): I’ll be helping with the Pokemon Go push during designated times, and taking a “break” with Splatoon 2 for most of Saturday. Sunday may be my day of rest… or sushi, because I can only play as sea food for so long before the cravings take over.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): So. I have The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind on my list because I had a great time on my last couple of sessions. But then there’s Guild Wars 2. I have no hope of zipping through the parts of the season I’m behind on in time to dig in on Tuesday, but the hype is real. I have so much hope in the potential of the storyline and how it kind of hints it’ll play into the expansion, and I hate not being a part of it on day one. I really love actually having a hard choice in what to play! Not common for me the last few years at all.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Guys, you know it’s going to be Final Fantasy XIV. There’ll be a little DC Universe Online on the side, but seriously. Why would I try to front?
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m leveling up a Goblin Shaman has a dungeon healer in World of Warcraft, but that journey is a lot longer than it used to be if you’re not taking any shortcuts! I also wouldn’t mind getting the Scorched Desert done in Secret World Legends to stay on pace with my one-zone-per-week goal. I also purchased a new building sim called Kingdoms and Castles that I want to sink my teeth into.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): There are so many games on my computer begging me to give them some attention, but I only have so many hours! This weekend I will be putting more time into the beta of Citadel: Forged with Fire. I mean, the game is all about fire! OK, maybe not exactly, but I do get to be a fire mage, and I am born of fire (literally), so there’s that. I also have some Tinkerfesting to do in EverQuest II, and plenty of building to get finished with in Conan Exiles. On top of that, no day has passed since launch without me playing in Secret World Legends, and I plan on keeping that streak alive! Egypt is calling to me…
Patron Pierre: You could copy-paste my WRUP of last week, at least the MMO-ish part of it, as I’m still enjoying some short casual gaming sessions in The Division and Destiny. Even if I pre-ordered Destiny 2 and could have joined the closed beta this week, I didn’t as I don’t want to get spoiled about any part of the game, neither PvE nor PvP. I want to keep my D2 virginity till the 6th of September, when the game launches. The late Satoru Iwata (former Nintendo CEO, for those who don’t know the name) considered that the early access and beta phases were unfortunate as they made impatient gamers play unfinished games for hours. Spending all these hours in the game, even if unfinished, players would get bored with the game quicker when it finally launches. And I think he was completely right. So I try to avoid beta phases and early access in order to enjoy the complete games longer when they do launch. Long story short: I didn’t play Destiny 2 but Destiny instead :D. I hope you’ll have an enjoyable gaming weekend MOP readers. Cheers!
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