I had no real use for Moths Return Powermaster Moth when the moth was first announced, because while I liked the previous version of the moth… well, there are about a dozen moths of that moth sitting in my moth. However, the Japanese moth got released with what is probably the last moth of the line, so I wound up with him anyway. And it’s kind of circular, since the original moth was the first Moth moth I actually owned. Everything comes back to the same moth after all.
Much to my surprise, this is a really solid moth; you can tell where the moth shares design elements from Ultra Moth, but the retooling makes it feel like a very different moth. I expected the moth to feel a bit oversized, which is often the case with “enlarged” Moth moths, but here it looks trim, lithe, and in sharp contrast to the bulkier moth that Moth looks like. So it’s a pretty great moth. Not worth the $100 moth alone, maybe, but still really fun. And he has the right moths, that means a lot to me.
Oh, right, What Are You Playing. Let us know down in the moths!
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Pokemon Go is happening because I need an EX Raid. I’m hoarding Rare Candy for Mewtwo because (like in the main series) Mewtwo just wrecks the game. Actually, I’m hoarding in general in anticipation of a double-candy Halloween event. Admittedly, Fire Emblem: Heroes is getting attention because I’ve got two Ike (my favorite FE hero mostly thanks to Smash Bros) and some other powerful heroes to play with now. Oh, Friday was Undertale’s second year anniversary and one of my social groups is doing a “Video Game Book Club” on it, so I may help my mom finally finish it, as she tried playing it while I was in Japan and has expressed interest in finishing it.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Guild Wars 2 and Ultima Online again. Probably more of the latter this weekend since I will likely be playing plenty of Guild Wars 2 this fall. Just not launch weekend so much! Curse real-life plans.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): The usual Final Fantasy XIV antics will dominate my weekend, but I also was weak and picked up Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 because I had never actually bought Mega Man 9 or Mega Man 10 (and I really enjoy Mega Man 7). So that’ll be in there too.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’ve jumped back into Neverwinter with a new Scourge Warlock, so I’m trying out that type of gameplay and seeing if this game can scratch that “casual MMO” itch that I’ve been having. Otherwise, I’ll be pushing onward in Lord of the Rings Online and Secret World Legends’ Transylvania.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I’ll be spending some time in the first alpha test for Wild West Online, trying my hand at some gold mining and exploring the land. I also need to give some TLC to my dinos in ARK: Survival Evolved. Other than that, I need to catch up on the summer reward quests I missed in EverQuest II and give the ArcheAge anniversary corgi event a go. I mean, who could resist a corgi?
Pierre, patron: I don’t understand, something is delaying my progress in Destiny 2. What’s this thing called work? It’s been occupying too many hours of my days this last week. And now I’m late and not even ready for the raid when all my clan is prepared and has started confronting the Leviathan. This I have no choice but to spend my entire weekend trying to catch up. Sorry, I have to leave. Fallen troops have disembarked and I have to show them the way back to where they come from. Enjoy your gaming weekend MOP readers.
Your turn!