All of the big pieces of Legends of Aria are coming together for the game’s so-called “final alpha” test later this week. Originally slated for September 21st, the team delayed the newest alpha test to Thursday, September 28th, to add “an extra layer of polish” on the content.
“Final Alpha is quite different from Alpha 2 in the sense that we are delivering a complete game experience rather than a focused test on a subset of systems,” the team posted on the forums. “That makes it all the more important that we have the best possible experience on day one of the launch.”
This week’s test will include 32 new abilities, plenty of additional pieces of gear, more housing areas, new zones, and hundreds of items and crafting resources.
Legends of Aria emerged from Shards Online earlier this year due to a shift toward a more robust MMORPG design. Its previous alpha test concluded back in July for a period of development and preparation of the final alpha build. A developer livestream is planned for Friday to celebrate the “alpha launch.”