Next month on October 24th, Swords of Chult will arrive on PC with an expansion to the current Tomb of Annihilation story cycle. This content update adds an endgame five-player skirmish called The Merchant Prince’s Folly which has players defending the port city from what sounds like every bad guy in the world ever.
If that’s not enough, the update is going to overhaul PvP and work in a number of quality-of-life improvements involving refinement, dungeon queuing, and the campaign system. The team did put out a greater explanation of the PvP system changes for players who might be concerned or curious about what’s coming their way.
One cool note? “After the success of the temporary solo PvP queue, we have decided to make it a permanent feature with the release of Swords of Chult. Solo queues will be available for level 70 Domination only.”