With the shutdown of Marvel Heroes looming about a month and a half away, players are scrambling to see if they can obtain a refund for some of the funds they dropped on the game the past few months.
According to Kotaku, it has been a mixed bag so far, with many players reporting that they have not been able to get a refund within the 90 day grace period. However, there may be hope. One player reported (and screenshotted) a conversation with Xbox Live support during which the representative said that “all customers who purchased the game will be receiving a refund for it next week automatically.” The rep followed that up by saying that “we were initially waiting on approvals from the publisher to allow refunds to be processed for it.”
Meanwhile, the goodbyes continue on the official forums, including a farewell letter from developer Mike May.
“It’s been an amazing journey going from being just an observer, to a small member of the team, to leading projects and mentoring other designers,” he said. “Marvel Heroes was my first foray into game development after a near lifelong history of game modding, and it was a bit of a personal calling. This is what I want to continue to do for the foreseeable future.”
Still other players are focused on asking Disney to save the game – there is indeed a petition with 1600 signatures at the moment, along with a #savecoh hashtag.