Daybreak announced that it’s preparing two huge updates for this spring as a way to celebrate Superman’s 80th anniversary. First up is a first-ever trip to the realm of Atlantis called “Deluge” in March that will feature both single-player and multiplayer content. And yes, Starro will be involved.
Then in April, the anniversary celebration will begin in earnest with a series of free updates that will retell the Death of Superman storyline. “Doomsday is coming,” Daybreak teased. “A Doomsday like you have never seen. Like the Justice League has never seen. This monster is an unstoppable force. It may be that not even Superman can stop him this time. Can you?”
On a lighter note, DCUO is today kicking off its Love Conquers All event with some new base items, feats, and styles. Of course, if V-Day bums you out, there is always the opportunity to run missions on behalf of villains looking to stab love in the heart.
Reminder: We are currently offline launching Game Update 79 and the Valentine's Day event. Downtime may last up to 8 hours. Details: https://t.co/uFZMWBHihT
— DCUO (@DCUO) February 5, 2018