It’s happening! The official Project Gorgon early access date on Steam is Tuesday, March 13th, which means that owners will need to log in on Steam and new people will need to… well, buy the game on Steam to start playing. Hey, let’s be fair, you’ve had a lot of time to try the game’s free testing before now. If you’ve forgotten all of the long-term implications of these changes, the developers have offered a helpful outline of everything changing.
Take note of the fact that this shift means that the game is moving from its alpha phase to its beta development, which means fleshing out, refining, and expanding the game more than introducing whole new ideas. Yes, that means probably slightly fewer crazy new transformations. We’ll all have to find ways to continue living. You should still check the game out when it’s live on Tuesday, especially since it’ll natively run in your operating system… whatever it is. (On desktop, we mean. We can’t help you with your phone.)