Back in 2015, Star Citizen passed a million registered users. At this point, the game has passed two million. Three years later, it’s doubled. It also means that the staff behind the game wants to celebrate by giving backers a shirt.
Not a real shirt, though; an in-game shirt! So you don’t have to just tell your co-workers that you were part of the two million backer mark, you can show it off to the people who are more likely to think you’re cool.
Preview art for both the two million backer shirt and the one million backer shirt are available now; the latter is blue while the former is red, so even if you didn’t notice the number on the back you can still tell the difference. There’s no ETA on when these shirts will be available as the game moves through its test phases, but until then you can enjoy a forum badge to ensure that everyone knows you were in on the ground floor. (Assuming the ground floor is two million.)