We don’t want to spoiler the newest Avengers film for people looking forward to seeing it, but we’re pretty sure that its main villain Thanos is kind of a big deal. Clearly, what the Avengers need to be doing is recruiting the Fortnite development team, as they have already substantially weakened Thanos after he was active on the servers for a very brief period of time. He now wields the Nerf Gem, which gives him less power over everything!
Because he’s been nerfed, you see. The gems each have a power domain of something, like Care Bears.
While Thanos now has more health, he’s got less regenerating shielding and less damage per Infinity Gauntlet beam. Players are upset that he’s becoming easier to kill when most players who wind up using him barely know how to avoid being killed as it is; you probably wouldn’t base an entire movie on a guy who gets chumped four seconds into picking up the Gauntlet somewhere. (So, you know, that’s another spoiler, probably.)