You know how it goes: Sometimes you are forged with fire, and sometimes you are forged with server wipes. Both are equally painful, but at least it’s easier to recover from the latter.
Citadel: Forged With Fire is getting ready to undergo server wipes in the near future, which is a bummer for those playing the early access sandbox, but at least there are all sorts of new features to make up for that inconvenience. New and rebalanced features such as spell crafting, farming, cooking, a HUD overhaul, layout of the knowledge tree, and more will necessitate a server wipe when the update hits sometime in early to mid-July.
There’s another silver lining with this move that maybe Funcom should adopt with its games: A handful of the servers will be “preserved.”
“To ease this transition, and to ensure that we don’t alienate our existing, long-devoted Citadel player base, we will be taking steps to preserve our top 10 currently most active servers. Though they will still get the new balance and progression changes, all structures and player progress will be maintained. These servers will be relabeled as ‘Legacy’ servers to ensure that new players understand that the players in this world have begun with a significant advantage, and that they should consider starting their adventure elsewhere.”