“Escape the daily grind of galactic life by traveling to your own personal slice of paradise! This Stronghold features multiple customizable structures, a flying Patrol Carrier, a cliffside apartment, and its own private beach. Plus, for the first time, Player versus Player gameplay is fully supported inside the Stronghold, allowing for 1-on-1, Team Deathmatch, and even Huttball scenarios!”
The new Mandalorian Battle Ring arena is live too, as are hefty tweaks to warzones, matchmaking, PvP rewards, and cartel market reputations. Those of you whose characters have romanced Lana Beniko should probably pay close attention to the fixes for the marriage bug introduced a few patches ago.
Welcome to your new home in Rishi! Customize your tropical paradise home, and for the first time, host and organize your own PvP battles! ‘Galactic Legend’ Game Update is now live. pic.twitter.com/xC5lbgjGj5
— The Old Republic (@SWTOR) August 7, 2018