Will Wrath of the Black Thrush eventually become Villagers & Heroes’ very own WOTLK? I dunno about that, but I do know it’s live, as Mad Otter surprised the players of this cutesy crossplatform sandbox yesterday with an early patch that includes part one of the content rollout. The studio told players that it’s heavily redesigned the mobile UI and added the Black Thrush storyline for mid-level (level 25-35) players. The new repeatable dungeons and Zorian Marshlands zone, aimed at capped characters closer to level 90, have been held back for part two, due out next week on September 24th.
Notably, the game’s old “shop bag” has been replaced with a more standard “overflow bag” you’ll recognize from other MMOs, which may have some intended consequences in addition to making your inventory a pile of random stuff.
“Because of the overflow inventory changes, some players have mentioned unfairness due to 30 day unlimited travel runes beginning to expire. We understand and are going to make a fix. Not in today’s build, but in a later build (but most likely within 1 week) we will make a conversion where all of these items will transform into crown bags. This means you do NOT have to submit CS tickets. I repeat, do NOT submit CS tickets about this issue! you will be reimbursed with crowns and all will be well.”
#MMO We are thrilled to announce our upcoming expansion! Check out this special website to learn more: https://t.co/KHcXKV38E2 😀 pic.twitter.com/MJ4086SvWn
— Villagers & Heroes (@villagersheroes) August 22, 2018