In this week’s Sea of Thieves developer update, Executive Producer Joe Neate takes a look at the upcoming Bilge Rat Adventure and gives players a preview of what they can expect from the game’s next major content update. Arriving on October 31st, just in time for Halloween, the latest Bilge Rat Adventure is titled Festival of the Damned. We don’t know much about it yet, as all we’ve gotten so far is a short, 30-second teaser trailer, but it’s definitely got a spooky vibe to it, and it will feature unique event cosmetics for players to earn.
Moreover, it’s been about a month since the release of Sea of Thieves’s latest major content update, Forsaken Shores, and the devs are ready to start talking a bit about what lies ahead. The next content update, coming in November, will be called Shrouded Spoils, and although the team isn’t quite ready to pull back the curtain on all of the new features it will bring, Neate gives a few morsels of information to hold players over. Shrouded Spoils will bring “expanded ship customization,” with customization options for ships’ wheels, cannons, and capstans.
And if you’re wondering what the titular spoils are going to be shrouded in, the answer is fog, which will be introduced with the update as well. Neate says that the addition of foggy weather will add new dynamics to the gameplay, as it will severely limit visibility and give players a reason to climb up into their crow’s nests as they try to navigate the treacherous seas.
Players who have achieved pirate legend status will also want to look forward to Shrouded Spoils, as it will introduce legend-only commendations, giving those players new objectives to work toward. Neate says Shrouded Shores will bring “a bunch of other stuff” besides, but the devs are saving the details for the full content-update video, which will hopefully be along sometime soon. In the meantime, you can check out the full developer update video as well as the Festival of the Damned teaser trailer just below.