The next major update for No Man’s Sky has arrived, and it’s deep. It’s really deep. It’s deep because its whole thing is about sending players into the water, which can definitely be appropriately scary (as was teased last week). Yes, somehow it can be even scarier underwater than far, far above it… possibly because out there you have a ship instead of nothing more than a suit and an underwater base.
Yes, there are new construction modules for building your own Sealab (underneath the water), hours of new story (probably not including singing merpeople), and new terrifying underwater life (which may or may not wait dreaming beneath the seas) should give players plenty of stuff to explore below the waves. You can get a sense of the update’s content in the video just below, and we’ll reassure you that at no point does a player get swallowed by some vast leviathan. But you may want to watch out for a leviathan or two in play.