During this week’s podcast, Justin made a joke about the potential for a “WoW Immortal” that… doesn’t seem like such a joke, especially given Allen Adham’s comments about working on more mobile games at BlizzCon. We’ve been debating Blizzard’s next moves in the MMO space and with its franchises over the last few months thanks to some intrepid readers urging us along in the discussion, and a month or two ago, we were pretty confident that Blizzard would eventually try again. I think I even said I would be shocked to find out that Blizzard doesn’t have some sort of Overwatch ORPG or World of Warcraft 2 in its design incubators somewhere, even if they never make it to a playable stage.
But with the added context of BlizzCon’s mobile Diablo Immortal, as well as moves by MMORPG companies like CCP Games and NCsoft in the mobile space, we have to wonder whether Blizzard is eyeing a mobile version of WoW too – not just a mobile game set in the Warcraft world, but a WoW Mobile specifically. Let’s see what you think in today’s Leaderboard.
Leaderboard: Will Blizzard make WoW Immortal?
- Yes. I'm confident this will happen. (22%, 89 Votes)
- I think Blizz is at least thinking about it. (30%, 118 Votes)
- The reaction to Diablo Immortal will influence whatever Blizz is up to. (14%, 55 Votes)
- WoW 2 will happen, but it'll look like something else or won't be on mobile. (5%, 20 Votes)
- Warcraft Mobile will happen, but it won't be WoW or WoW 2. (14%, 57 Votes)
- Nah, Blizz will never make another WoW MMO. (5%, 20 Votes)
- Nah, Blizz will never make another MMO period. (4%, 17 Votes)
- Something else (tell us in the comments!) (1%, 3 Votes)
- No answer / view tally / night elf butts (5%, 20 Votes)
Total Voters: 346