Turns out that the next Lord of the Rings Online expansion is Minas Morgul after all.
Players looking for clarification after reading last week’s producer’s letter received a few answers from Rob Ciccolini yesterday, including confirmation that Minas Morgul and Shelob will make up the expansion that’s coming later this year. Ciccolini went on to shed light on other details, including the purpose of the 64-bit client and adjustments to raids.
Ciccolini also addressed the much-requested legendary item revamp: “Yes to an LI revamp, in due time. We want to revamp the system, and we want to make sure players feel their progression is represented in the new system. This isn’t something we can rush; this touches so many class balance topics that it is something we need a lot of time to design, implement, and gather test server feedback. That means I don’t want to promise it for this year, as it could creep into 2020.”
In a separate post, Ciccolini confirmed that LOTRO point and other deed rewards won’t be going away when the virtue changes arrive. LOTRO pumped out a small patch this week that adjusted the game’s newest raid and made preparations for the legendary server Moria unlock.
Source: Official forums