Nope, I tell you, it ain’t no lie. Been living next door to Ol’ Jeb near on fifty years now, I reckon, but the man ain’t been the same lately. Not my neighbor, sure as I’m sittin’ here talkin’ to you. Ol’ Jeb ain’t been the same what since he bought that pear tree.
Used to be real neighborly, Ol’ Jeb, but now he don’t come out of that house for nothing. Other day I was on his porch, I tells ya, I was bangin’ on that door lookin’ for him! I says to him, “Hey, Ol’ Jeb! Y’all come out here, so I can talks with you about what done caused me to burn your pear tree right after ya planted it!” But he didn’t come out at all, and I done left when I heard me a shotgun bein’ loaded.
Y’all ask me, there’s somethin’ evil about that pear tree. Done be why I burned it! Guessin’ I need to burn it again, but I can’t find it, no sir. Y’all let me know if ya seens it down in the comments for What Are You Playing, ya hear?
Bonus question: What’s your favorite scary movie? It doesn’t have to be one that’s meant to be scary!
Andy McAdams: I feel like a broken record here – Final Fantasy XIV as I’m now in 4.x patch content and letting myself get a little distracted by other things in game now. I’ve got a slew of IRL activities this weekend, so gaming time will be a little bit less than normal.
Alien. That counts as a scary movie right? I mean, facehuggers and things bursting out of your chest? Yeah. I actually love the entire Alien series and have watched them oh. so. many. times. I wrote my undergrad thesis on Ripley. So, I uh, really like Alien.
(Alien is totally a scary movie. -Ed)
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’m predictable: I’ll be in City of Heroes. And while it’s offline moving? I’ll be in Star Wars Galaxies. The silver linings to my 2019.
I am not a horror movie person like, at all. There are some movies that still give me nightmares to the point that I can’t watch them. I’ll pick The Shining – doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen and read it; it still terrifies me. Working as intended, I suppose, but not something I enjoy.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): So, remember last week when I felt like an idiot for reviving my deleted Final Fantasy XIV character? Turns out it was a rush of oxygen as I’ve gleefully taken to the task of reconnecting with her from both a mechanical and roleplaying standpoint. So basically I’ll be playing more FFXIV this weekend.
I despise scary movies. Never could stand them. What can I say? I’m a wussbucket.
Colin Henry (@ChaosConstant): I’ve got a busy weekend ahead of me, but I just resubbed to The Lord of the Rings Online, so I’m hoping to jump back into the progression server some this weekend. I’m way behind the pack, but I have really missed this game and my Loremaster. Hopefully I can catch up before everyone’s sick of Moria again, but don’t hold your breath.
Favorite scary movie: That Sonic the Hedgehog trailer. I’m still having nightmares.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I’ve done most of my expansion prep work in FFXIV but I’ll still be puttering around there, and when not playing that I’m working through Shining Resonance Refrain on my PS4. I’m rediscovering the nice part of console gaming insofar as I’m less prone to distraction there.
I love horror movies, even though it took me a while to get there because of my general distaste for slasher films (which I find to be really predictable and just plain boring past the initial shock). Really looking forward to the second part of It this year. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but Session 9 earns high marks from me as an efficient and minimalist horror film; I also recommend the film Cthulhu, which is actually available in its entirety for free right here.
If you have more recommendations you should totally leave them in the comments.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Our Dungeons & Dragons Online group is assembling for another run into certain doom and death, and if I survive that, then I might be venturing more into the wilds of Fallout 76 (now with more social interaction!), pushing forth in FFXIV’s main story quest (Minfilia, pick up your phone already), and adventuring with Bingo Boffin in LOTRO (does anything get this guy down?).
Mia DeSanzo (@neschria): I will be playing Tree of Savior.
I am not sure what my favorite scary movie is. I love so many of them. I love monster and ghost movies, I should say. I am not a fan of slashers.
Samon Kashani (@thesamkash): Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be able to get any MMOs in. I’ll be AFK for a while. I should have time for some of school NES games though. I always wanted to play through the original Ultima games so that could be fun.
As far as horror goes, I think I’m going to go with the the Predator. It had its horror moments.
Tyler Edwards: At least one D&D session. Our Sunday group is iffy, but there’s an AL campaign we play every few weeks that we’ll be revisiting on Saturday. Going to once again glory in how overpowered my sorcerer/warlock is. As far as digital stuff, I bought a month of Origin Access just to try out a whole bunch of games. Most of them have lost me pretty fast, but Dungeons 3 has actually really sucked me in. The mechanics are just deep enough to be interesting but not taxing, and it’s a great relaxing game to play while I’m still get over this miserable cold.
Not a horror fan at all, so not a lot comes to mind, but… I have argued in the past that The Dark Knight should actually qualify as a work of psychological horror; just because it doesn’t have jump scares or buckets of gore doesn’t mean it’s not horror, and Heath Ledger’s Joker is profoundly unnerving. Anyway, it’s one of my favourite movies, so I guess I’d go with that.