The whole conceit for Scum is that you’re dealing with an assortment of criminals, ruffians, and ne’er-do-wells, but for a long time the game has been limited to male examples of the general scofflaw population. But women can also be brigands and mountebanks! And the game’s latest update, Maneater, allows you to be precisely that, adding playable ladies into the mix with a (current) lack of tattoo options. (The patch specifically calls this out and mentions that it will be changed with further updates, but there was only so much to be done at once.)
There’s also a new set of options for hair growth, allowing both hair and beards to grow from nonexistent lengths to unkempt madness for those who so desire the mountain-dweller look. Check out the full patch notes to see all of the features added with the latest patch, but you should have a much wider spread of options available for your personal cutpurses and highwaymen.