So, are you of the mind that Fallout 76 didn’t really capture what you wanted from an online game in the franchise’s universe? Perhaps you’d prefer taking a walk on the fan-game side? Yes, there’s a whole cottage industry of building new takes on the universe with a fan-made engine, FOnline, but it’s worth noting that this is not the 3-D games popularized with Fallout 3. No, this is the classic style of games, looking like nothing so much as the original Fallout and Fallout 2.
The games don’t quite play like the original games, however, so don’t go expecting the same strategic turn-based system in actual play. It’s always an open question as to whether or not fan projects like this will really manage to stand the test of time and avoid any legal threats from the owners, but for the time being you can check out the teaser trailer for the upcoming Fallout Online 3 project just below and marvel at the overall dedication. (Also it seems that legal threats are fairly unlikely given Bethesda’s track record, but that’s not the point.)