Sometimes I ask myself whether I really liked WildStar as much as it deserved. Obviously, it’s a kind of inherently silly line of thinking; it’s a video game, and it’s not my job to like it a certain amount. It was Carbine’s job to make the game fun enough to obtain and keep subscribers, and based on its awful endgame model, that job was not done very well. But part of me wonders if some of my frustration wound up overshadowing things that really were positive parts of the game’s design.
It’s always hard to be sure in the moment how much a given MMO will impact you, how much you’ll find yourself appreciating it later, and so forth. Some things make a poor impression on you when you first play, but over time they grow on you; other times you find yourself focused on a game’s flaws until well after the fact. Heck, sometimes you only realize after your game of choice has been patched how much you enjoyed the older version. So let’s look back a bit today. What MMO did you not give enough credit until after the fact, until it was at least in your personal rearview if not outright shut down?