So back when Lord of the Rings Online originally launched the progression servers last November, Standing Stone Games said that it would unlock subsequent expansions about every four months. However, the far more rapid rollout of the past two expansions have left some of the community perturbed as they scramble to keep up with the content flow.
In a rather scathing but well-worded post on the forums, one kinship officer condemned SSG’s poor communication and begged for a slower expansion rollout that is tested better in advance. “The trouble is, we don’t know anything about the release schedule, at all,” the player wrote. “The last two expansions have been released with less than a day’s notice on the forums. This is easily the biggest complaint I have, and the one that causes us the most strife within our community.”
SSG’s Johnny Liu replied to the post with this assurance: “I wanted to let you all know that Rohan is not planned until 2020. You are correct to point out that the last two releases, Mirkwood and Isengard, were not in line with the original advertised timeline. I have seen some rumblings about Rohan’s release, so to reiterate, Rohan will not come until 2020.”
Source: Lord of the Rings Online