While I’m all about progression and acquisition for my MMO characters as they journey through the levels, I’m less and less enthused about collecting different pieces of stat gear along the way. WoW Classic has reminded all of us how awful it used to look when we couldn’t tailor the visuals of our gear and had to traipse around looking like we blitzed through a medieval Salvation Army without bothering to color coordinate.
That’s why most all MMOs these days include some sort of transmog or cosmetic system, since the community has shown a great preference to customizing exactly how each player looks. So, I ask you, is there any point to the old system of stat gear? Games like Secret World Legends and City of Heroes divorced themselves entirely from that system, allowing players to snort up special stat items that weren’t wearable or visually noticeable.
What do you think? Is it time to be rid of this concept, or does it still hold use and merit?