Show of hands, who here remembers Pumpkin Online? It was announced on Kickstarter as a multiplayer farming/dating sim, but would later decide to switch gears in 2015 from an MMO to a small-scale multiplayer game over possibly multiple servers.
The original game has now entered Steam Early Access as Pumpkin Days. The game has two towns players can start in, and it appears to maintain plenty of its original features such as farming, fishing, mining, animal husbandry, and other pastoral pursuits. There’s also plenty of romantic pursuits as well, with NPCs that can be wooed. It can be played in either single-player or multiplayer mode, though the multiplayer portion is described in-game as potentially “very buggy.” Multiplayer also operates on player-hosted servers, though dedicated servers are coming soon according to an in-game menu.
Early access is slated to run for about 10-12 months depending on bug shakedown, with additional features like a third town, more NPCs, bug catching, fossil hunting, marriage, and animal breeding expected to be added before full launch.
We’ll be streaming the game this afternoon on OPTV at 1 p.m. EST, so stay tuned!